Monday, October 27, 2014

Where my Garden Grows...!!!

Bonjour Foodies,

I was walking among my garden earlier this morning and enjoying all the things I currently have growing there. I found some batteries for my boyfriends camera and started to take photos of nature at its best.

I found this little guy exploring my marigold flowers. I thought he was pretty cool and got some great photos of him. I was really surprised at the quality of the photos considering this is my first time I using the camera. I think they the photos turned out really good.

Is that caterpillar just the cutest? I don't know if he is good or bad for my flowers but I thought he's pretty cool.

I just love this picture of my tomato plants. I love taking the time to enjoy nature.

 I also harvested some produce while clearing out the garden for spring. I planted some bulbs that hopefully will come back every year. I also currently have two other flower plants that are growing that will also come back as well. I'm so excited for the spring season.

I also started my herb garden indoors. I currently have some seeds sprouting. I love watching my plants grow. Its really fascinating and a lovely wholesome experience.

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