Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Expecting in the New Year...!!!

Hey Y'all,

My boyfriend and I have been so busy preparing for the new year. We have a lot going on right now. One of those things happens to be growing inside my tummy as we speak. We found out a few months ago, maybe around October that we were pregnant. I honestly had no idea that I was pregnant. I just thought that all the things going on in my life were messing up my cycle. I never thought I was pregnant. I'm sure a lot of you are probably wondering how I couldn't know I was pregnant. The answer is pretty simple, it can happen. I wasn't really showing for most of the pregnancy, not until maybe late October to early November is when I really started to look pregnant. My boyfriend took me in December for an ultrasound.

The ultrasound was really cool. It was kind of freaky to though. The nice lady performing our ultrasound was showing us all the different parts of the baby growing inside of me. In all honestly, the baby looked like a giant mass of blobs that were very difficult to distinguish from one another. I would never of known that I was looking at the babies feet or hands if the lady wasn't there to guide us through the ultrasound. Also, while at the ultrasound, we got to find out the babies gender. This was the most exciting part of the ultrasound for me. She told us that we were having a little girl. According to my boyfriend, Andrew, he said I got the biggest of smiles on my face and looked so happy about finding out I was carrying a little girl inside of me. I was hoping that my first baby was going to be a little girl. Of course this lead us down the path of choosing a name for our little princess. We've decided to name her Violet Anne. I wanted to name her Violet because I think the name in itself is not very popular nowadays. I choose Anne as her middle name because of a friend I have who treats me like a daughter and has always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to. I'm very lucky to have the family and friends in my life that I have. They've all been super supportive since news of my pregnancy got wind to them. I feel so blessed to have as much support as I do.

The doctors have told us that we are due the 22nd of this month. I'm super excited to meet my daughter and to become a mother. I'm also terrified of becoming a mother because its an entirely new experience for me. I hope I am a good mother. I know I won't be perfect but I'll do my very best. I know my boyfriend is worried about being a good dad. But in all honesty, he shouldn't be. I think he will make a great father to our little one. I can't wait to watch him step into the role of father. I'm excited to start this new life together. I'm excited to see where this big step leads us.

Our next doctor appointment is on Friday. I'm sure I'll have more news to share with you all then.

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